To all our customers. At this time due to the pandemic and Government restrictions we are unfortunately limited in what treatment we can do.
At Ache Away we are following advice and guidance from our regulatory body the Sports Massage Association.
This states that
Therapists qualified at levels 4 (which Vanessa is) may continue to work under stringent conditions; when there is a medical need. Unfortunately, level 3 therapists remain unable to work, we are sorry.
The previous working conditions are more important than ever given the transmissibility of the new strain of the virus i.e. the need for documented risk assessments, full PPE (gown, mask, apron and visor), regular cleaning schedules, strict hygiene precautions and screening of each client.
A medical condition clearly does not include a routine sports massage, suggested medical conditions are:
Unbearable pain levels
Inability to perform activities of essential daily living (personal care, continence management, feeding etc)
Inability to sleep (affecting function)
Inability to work (for frontline workers)
If you fall into one of the categories above please contact Vanessa for an initial telephone triage to see if treatment can be carried out.